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5 Ways to Manage Degenerative Disc Disease

5 Ways to Manage Degenerative Disc Disease

The spine is a complex part of the body that is essential for every type of activity and movement. However, it is also prone to injury and degeneration. Over time, the spongy discs between the vertebrae wear down, causing a condition called degenerative disc disease.

DDD is a common spine disorder that causes the bones to rub together and cause pain, but there are plenty of nonsurgical options to manage it. Dr. Jason Ablett offers various chiropractic treatments for back pain and DDD at his office, Pinnacle Health Chiropractic.

The facts on DDD

Degenerative disc disease is a common condition that usually affects adults over 40. It occurs when the spongy discs between each vertebra begin to wear away.

It's common for the discs to degenerate over time from normal wear-and-tear, but it sometimes happens earlier in life from injuries. Some people don't have any symptoms, while others experience the following:

The vertebrae may rub together as the discs wear down, causing painful symptoms. Untreated DDD can cause other issues in the spine, including spinal stenosis, herniated discs, and spondylolisthesis.

The treatment for DDD depends on the severity of the condition and the discomfort you feel. Conservative treatments usually work for most people, but surgery is sometimes necessary for severe cases.

Five tips to manage DDD

Managing DDD is simple when you catch the symptoms early. As soon as you notice pain or other symptoms, seeking treatment is crucial. Dr. Ablett evaluates your pain and looks at imaging studies to help you manage DDD with the following strategies:

1. Chiropractic adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments are a safe and effective way to manage DDD and prevent it from worsening over time. It's incredibly secure and relieves pain from DDD while also improving mobility.

Dr. Ablett utilizes various chiropractic techniques, including spinal manipulation, therapeutic exercises, and manual therapy, to improve blood flow and movement in the spine.

2. Physical therapy

Physical therapy is an excellent tool for managing discomfort from DDD. It allows you to strengthen the muscles and tissues around the spine, which improves mobility and decreases pain.

3. Rehabilitative exercise

Rehabilitative exercises are key to decreasing discomfort from DDD. Dr. Ablett customizes an exercise plan to fit your specific needs and conditions. People with DDD benefit from exercises targeting the core, stretching, and fascia release therapy.

4. Medications

Although not a long-term fix, medications help manage pain and inflammation from DDD. Muscle relaxers, steroids, and NSAIDs are all excellent options to decrease pain, improve mobility, and avoid further spine issues.

5. Stretching

Stretching in many forms stretches out the spine and improves discomfort. Dr. Ablett recommends specific spinal stretches for DDD, yoga, and other gentle stretching techniques.

Dr. Ablett discusses specific techniques for managing back or neck pain associated with DDD. A combination of lifestyle changes and other treatments is often enough to improve quality of life and prevent further disc damage.

Call Pinnacle Health Chiropractic today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ablett for degenerative disc disease treatment, or request an appointment here on our website.

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