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Does Fibromyalgia Eventually Resolve on its Own?

Does Fibromyalgia Eventually Resolve on its Own?

Fibromyalgia is a complicated condition that leads to widespread pain throughout the body. Doctors don't completely understand what causes fibromyalgia, making it even harder to diagnose and treat.

If you're living with fibromyalgia, it's easy to lose hope that you'll ever find relief – but it's possible. Some people even go into remission for periods where they don't have any symptoms.

Living with fibromyalgia can be difficult, which is why Dr. Jason Ablett and the team at Pinnacle Health Chiropractic provide various therapies to help you find relief.

Dr. Ablett is an experienced chiropractor who offers manual manipulations and massage therapy for fibromyalgia patients.

The facts on fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is, unfortunately, a life-long condition that causes pain throughout the body, along with fatigue and trouble sleeping. Anyone can develop fibromyalgia, but it's more common in women than men and during middle age.

You're more at risk for fibromyalgia as you get older, but it can also occur in children. Some other chronic conditions increase your risk for fibromyalgia, including:

It's also common to have fibromyalgia if someone in your immediate family is also living with the problem.

The most common symptom of fibromyalgia is widespread pain throughout your body – but it also leads to extreme fatigue and insomnia. You may also feel muscle or joint stiffness, numbness, and tingling in the arms and legs.

Does fibromyalgia go away?

If you're living with fibromyalgia, you'll have the disease for the rest of your life – but there's hope for relief. It's a chronic condition that doesn't have a cure, but there are treatments available to help you achieve relief.

Fibromyalgia never really goes away, but you can go into periods of remission, which means you go for weeks, months, or years without symptoms. Some people go into remission after trying several treatments that ease symptoms.

However, not everyone with fibromyalgia will go into remission, even with treatment. Doctors don't completely understand the disease and why some go into remission and others don't.

What treatments can help?

If you're tired of living with fibromyalgia, there are ways to deal with the pain and discomfort for long-term relief. Dr. Ablett offers various treatments to help people overcome chronic pain through holistic measures.

The type of treatment you need depends on the severity of your condition. For example, some people find relief with over-the-counter pain medications, antidepressants, or sleep medications, while others may benefit from other therapies like:


Dr. Ablett takes it one step further and offers manual muscle and tissue manipulation to target specific areas of tenderness and pain. He can use specialized instruments to work out painful knots in the muscles that flare up with fibromyalgia.

These treatments can help you achieve remission, but it takes time. Dr. Ablett works with you to find the best therapies for your needs to achieve long-term relief of fibromyalgia symptoms.

To find out if ART is for you, call our office in Kirkland, Washington, today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ablett, or book an appointment on our website.

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