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How to Put an End to Your Frequent Migraines

How to Put an End to Your Frequent Migraines

Migraine headaches are different from your average headache; they can severely limit your activities and wait out the pain until it's over. What's worse is migraine headaches may become frequent, further impacting your life.

Frequent migraines are complicated for you to manage alone, and medications don't always do the trick – but what else can help? Chiropractic care is an excellent alternative that allows you to address specific issues that may be fueling your migraine.

At Pinnacle Health Chiropractic, Dr. Jason Ablett and his team specialize in chiropractic care, including trigger point injections and spinal manipulations to ease chronic pain. Dr. Ablett has tremendous experience treating complex issues such as frequent migraines through conservative chiropractic care.

What causes frequent migraines?

Migraines are much different than your average headache; they last longer and cause more significant symptoms than other headaches. Migraines make it challenging to do anything when they strike, often making you endure the pain in the dark.

Various conditions and lifestyle choices may lead to frequent migraines, and knowing the cause helps us give you the treatment your body needs. Some of the prevalent causes of migraines include:

You may also be more prone to migraines through genetics. If one of your blood relatives lived with frequent migraines, you're more likely to have them as well. Although you can't reverse genetics or the changes in your brain, you can address risk factors worsening your migraines.

Lifestyle tips to treat migraine headaches

In some cases, you can take lifestyle steps to decrease the frequency and intensity of migraines. Some of the lifestyle tips Dr. Ablett recommends for controlling frequent migraine headaches include:

Although these lifestyle tips help, they're not always enough to manage painful migraines. You may require lifestyle changes, medication, and alternative therapies to manage symptoms.

Getting into a routine and figuring out your specific migraine triggers helps Dr. Ablett come up with a treatment plan specific to your needs. Regular chiropractic care is an excellent option to treat frequent migraine headaches that are affecting your life.

Chiropractic treatment: How it helps migraines

Migraines happen for various reasons, and getting to the bottom of the cause helps you get relief quickly. Dr. Ablett thoroughly evaluates your health and migraine history to determine the best treatment route.


You may be wondering how chiropractic care helps treat and prevent migraines. Truthfully, chiropractic care is an excellent alternative to medications that may have significant side effects on your health.

Dr. Ablett utilizes specialized techniques not only to relieve an active migraine but also to prevent the frequency of migraines and other headaches. He uses conservative therapies to target the root cause of a migraine, and they include:

Dr. Ablett also offers nutritional counseling and lifestyle tips to prevent migraines from recurring as often. Each of these therapies allows you to address fixable problems with your spine, posture, and muscles contributing to frequent migraines.

To learn more about how we treat migraine headaches, don't hesitate to call our office in Kirkland, Washington, to schedule an appointment or book an appointment on our website.  

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