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3 Interesting Facts About Migraines

A migraine is a headache that feels like severe throbbing or pulsing sensations, usually on one side of your head. During an episode, this debilitating condition can leave you unable to participate in life. One of the best things you can do for your headaches is to arm yourself with knowledge about triggers, self-care, and prevention techniques.

Here at Pinnacle Health Chiropractic, our jobs don’t end when your headaches are under control. We strive to continuously offer education and guidance about your condition that will help you the next time you start to feel a migraine coming on. If you struggle with frequent headaches, here are a few interesting facts that you might not know.

Exercise prevents migraines

When you exercise your body releases endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, which can help to reduce the frequency and severity of your migraines. Participating in regular exercise also lessens stress and helps you sleep at night. And that’s a big deal, since stress and sleep issues are two of the triggers for many migraine sufferers.

Exercise doesn’t have to be intense to be beneficial. Find an activity that provides a good cardio workout, such as jogging, cycling, running, swimming, or even walking. The exercise should be moderate in intensity, which means you should be able to talk through it, but recognize that it increases your heart rate and breathing.

Tips for exercising

Migraines are linked to menstruation

If you’ve noticed that you get migraines around your period, it isn’t a coincidence. In fact, more than half of all women with migraines have seen this link. This type of headache is probably caused by a drop in the hormones estrogen and progesterone that happens right before your period begins.

Your birth control pills could be a culprit, too. Once a month, you take a week’s worth of placebo tablets without the active ingredients of the birth control pill. During this week, your hormone levels plummet, possibly leaving you with a pounding headache.

If you suffer from migraines around your periods, be sure to discuss this with Dr. Ablett. He can help decide if your headaches might be related to your menstrual cycles or birth control pills.

Headaches don’t always happen with a migraine

You read that right! You might be having all of the symptoms of a migraine, except one -- pain in your head.

This is called a silent migraine, and even though you might not feel the extreme pain, you will still experience all of the other symptoms -- mood changes, food cravings, and tiredness -- a few days before a migraine. You may even experience an aura just before the other symptoms start. When the migraine is happening, you might notice:

Remember that not all migraines feel the same, so it’s normal to have different symptoms each time. And even though you won’t be recovering from the pain, it’s still going to take a day or so before you start to feel like yourself again.

If you’re struggling with new or worsening migraine symptoms, it’s time to talk to Dr. Ablett about a customized headache treatment plan that might include chiropractic adjustments, relaxation techniques, or trigger point injections. Our team at Pinnacle Health Chiropractic is ready to help with your migraine pain, so book online or call us to schedule your appointment in our Kirkland office.

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